Monday, August 1, 2011


Man I'm terrible at keeping up on writing my blog.

So, we're getting ready for Yosemite now. 

We've had some amazing things happening in our family.  The best is that Mark got the promotion he's been going for!  He starts TODAY actually.  It's a Line Maintenance Assistant, or LMA for short, job.  For the next three weeks, he's climbing poles at least 10 times a day. 

The downfall of it RIGHT now, is that we leave for Yosemite this Saturday.  :(  He won't be able to be with me the whole week.  I'm blessed that I have lots of family that is going to help me with the kids and what not, but I am still nervous about having all three kids on a camping trip on my own.  Even though family is there, they are still completely 110% my responsibility and I won't have Papa's eyes and ears to help. Especially with my little wanderer, Audrey.

We decided to stay in a hotel in Fresno friday night, so as soon as Mark gets home this Friday, we're outta here.  Then our drive on Saturday will only be 3ish hours and then he will help us set up camp and enjoy the little time he has there.  We will go to church together on Sunday and have lunch at Degnan's and then Mark will head home.  By himself.  :(  I'm bummed and I'm going to miss him.

Austin is enjoying Kidworks a lot now.  He's starting to come out of his shell there and play with other kids.  It's a process.  A process he needs to learn and true to his nature, is waiting until he knows exactly how things work. 

So, I'll try to remember to take pics of our trailer as we load it up with gear and I WILL take lots of pics in Yosemite to share in a couple of weeks!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pics of Cody

Cody had a good healthy cry when he was born, which to a Mama, is probably the best sound in the world!

Proud Papa holding Cody while I was still in recovery.  It's the weirdest feeling to feel your legs go numb when they do the spinal block, and it's odd to feel them sorta come back to life over the next hours, slowly.  Little by little.

Here's the first time that Audrey and Austin got to meet Cody.  Audrey knew RIGHT AWAY that he was not in my tummy anymore and was so gentle from the beginning.  Austin was a little leary at first, but warmed up to him and is facinated by his tiny features like toes and what not.
  They both gave Cody lots of kisses and blessings.

And lastly:  Cody at home.  All snuggled up and comfy in his bed.

That's all for now!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cody Thomas is here!

Cody Thomas arrived via a c-section on June 2, 2011 at 7:35 am.  He was 7 pounds 11 oz and 20 inches long.  He is breastfeeding beautifully and loves to cuddle!

I will post my entire birth story later on.

We came home today and are just enjoying being a family with 3 kids! 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Waiting for Baby Cody

So, I had my pre-op appointment today for my c-section on Thursday, June 2nd.  I was hoping to go into labor on my own, but it looks like that's just not meant to be.  And I'm okay with that now.  I've come to find peace in just knowing that I want a healthy baby in my arms, and I want to be healthy as well. 

So, as I sit here, very impatiently waiting, I decided to spin a little tonight.  I recently learned how to core spin yarn and it is SO MUCH FUN!  I love how fast it goes, and I love the look of the yarn as well.  It's so much more interesting to me than traditional 2 ply handspun yarns.  I don't know why, but it is.  The way the colors swirl from one to another is just so fun and all in all, gorgeous to me.

I plan on finishing the fiber I have here tonight and washing it all and putting it up to dry all night and tomorrow.  Hopefully, it will dry enough for me to ball up and take to the hospital with me.  I know, you are probably thinking, "You'll never have time to crochet when you are there." 

Do you know how BORED I was at times after Audrey was born???  I can't sleep worth a darn in the hospital, no matter how tired I am, and I didn't bring any good books with me or simple crochet projects either.  This time, I do get to have my computer with me, and I have a kindle now too... but sometimes, it's just relaxing to crochet and watch something take shape.

So, in about 36 hours, I will meet the newest Underhill boy.  Squeee!!!  I'm excited!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hello Everyone!

Okay.  I believe this is the 3rd blog that I've started, but I really would love to keep this one up.  My goal is to post at least on a weekly basis.  I'll have posts on things going on with my family as well as my little side craft business.  That's the idea at least. 

So, I should probably start by telling a little about myself and my family.  :)

I'm Kristina Underhill, married to the LOVE of my life, Mark Underhill and we live in Southern California.  See where the blog name comes from?  LOL

We have 2 children, Austin who will be 3 on June 18th, Audrey who will be 18 months on June 5th, and little Cody who will come via a c-section no later than June 2nd unless I go into labor on my own before then.  Yes, yes.  We will be parents to 3 children in the next few days, all about 18 months apart.  Our kids are our world. 

We are a Catholic family who goes to church every single week, even on vacations.  We try to live our lives in the way we believe that Jesus would want us to. We pray together as a family and individually as well.  I'm very involved in ministries at our parish and Mark's involvement is him watching our children so I CAN be involved.  It works out very well for us!

I also have a little business on the side:  Under the Hill Crafts.  I don't do it for the $, but I can't help but get excited when I do have a sale!  I mostly sell handspun wool yarn, as in spun on a spinning wheel.  Yes, I own a spinning wheel.  I also sell hand dyed wool fibers and wool yarn.  Here and there you will find other things I enjoy creating, such as felted soaps.  I'll blog more about each of my crafts as time goes on.

So, there's a basic run down of who we are.  More to come later!  :)